
Week 2.7: Philosophical Perspectives#

This week we’ll bring some philosophy back into the minor. Looking at the question of how do we think about science, what are some philosophical ideas behind the science we do, how we integrate that into our papers to give the work we do larger meaning.


  • Science spotlights

  • Entrepreneurship - Spin OFFs



  • Friday Symposium

Workshop: Paper Review Process#

So, you write a paper, but who decides if it gets published in a journal? This workshop by Publishing Officers of the TU Delft Library will include different (ethical) aspects of the publishing process and provide time for students to ask questions It’s an opportunity to demystify the process, which is important for scientists as well as for people who will never publish but will read scientific papers and want to know if they’re reliable. Furthermore, you will participate in the process by reviewing (parts of) each other’s papers and reflecting on the process afterwards.

Key concepts#

  • What is the process and why is it important

  • Who is involved

  • How do they decide

  • What are ethical considerations

  • Reflection: strengths and weaknesses of the current publishing process

  • How do you feel about the process as an author and reviewer?

Relevant Learning Goals#

At the end of the workshop, students will be able to:

  • Understand what the publishing and review process entails

  • Reflect on ethical aspects, strengths, and weaknesses of the review process

Group Activity of the Week#

Researching, reading, writing. Keep reflecting on what you’re doing and if it’s the right thing and if you’re going in the right direction?

Discussion Questions#

  • What is important in peer review?

  • Why is it important?

  • What are the problems with it?

  • How is your project going?

  • Do you need or want to change it’s direction?

  • What results are you getting? Can you explain them?

  • Writing for the reviewer vs writing to tell your story, is there a distinction?

Weekly Submitted Assignments#


Write your own peer-review rubric for reviewing papers. What should be evaluated, how would you weight different components?


Write a societal/philosophical reflection on your project. (1/2 page) How does it fit in and contribute to science and society?
