What we Offer

Our core mission is to support teachers and students assistants in the creation and use of interactive textbooks. We do that in five different ways!


A manual on how to (start to) work and collaborate on your interactive textbook and explanation of existing Jupyter book and custom (interactive) features. This includes explanations and examples illustrating how we use the interactive TeachBook features in our own education. We welcome contributions from others as well!

Read the Manual

Quickly start with your own interactive textbook that includes our "standard" selection of features. Instructions are included to publish it on GitHub Pages (no server setup required).

Start New TeachBook from
Hosting books

Publish your TeachBook online via GitHub pages (username / organization name.github.io/book) or on a TU Delft webserver (teachbooks / interactivetextbooks.tudelft.nl/book). For GitHub Pages all you need to do is start with the template or use the deploy-book-workfllow. In case of a TU Delft webserver, we have a standard setup that can easily be deployed for your book, with minimal maintenance.

Host newbook from
or use the deploy-book-workflow

Contact us by mail or in the TU Delft Open Interactive Textbooks Community to host your TeachBook on a TU Delft webserver
Software package

We collect a suite of existing open-source (from Jupyter book and others) and custom-developed software to improve the learning experience of our students and ease the book-development process for our teachers.

Read the Manual or view the source code on GitLab which soon will be moved to GitHub
Community with support

Students assistants and fellow teachers are available to help get started and solve issues. Join our GitLab Group to view and use our current TeachBooks as examples for your own!

Contact us via GitHub discussions or in the TU Delft Open Interactive Textbooks Community

View the source code of our existing TeachBooks at GitLab and GitHub

About Us

Teachers’ Educational Assistance for interaCtive Hands-on Browser-based Online Open Knowledge for Students


Built with Jupyter book

We are TeachBooks

Starting from the need to share educational materials in various forms with students, we have started a platform for teachers and students assistants to collaborate and share interactive textbooks.

Our philosophy is to make it possible, practical and fun for all teaching teams, regardless of experience. Because while TeachBooks can be made by individuals, we've seen that a team of teachers and student assistants can make a TeachBook that's more accessible, attractive, and more interactive than any one person could make alone. Such a team can work together on both content as innovative features, collaboratively creating a deep learning experience.

We'd like to share our experiences and platforms with anyone, and to learn and promote your content and TeachBook features as well! So whether your teaching team is unfamiliar and lost in the nerdy world of interactive books, or whether you're an expert having created your own library of TeachBooks with custom features: share and collaborate with the biggest and most effective teaching team you were ever part of!

Our Tools

We collect a suite of existing open-source software (heavily relying on Jupyter book ) and keep our TeachBooks up-to-date so you don't have to! Some of the software is developed with our TA's to improve the learning experience of our students and ease the book-development process for our teachers. By deploying these tools from a central location we can prevent common problems before they arise, and fix them quickly when they do occur. As the open-source software landscape changes rapidly, it is esential to keep in contact and share resources amongst ourselves to minimize maintenance and downtime for our TeachBook websites and focus on what really matters: teaching! Some of our tools are shown here, an extensive list can be found in the Manual .

Python Kernel

A core feature that enables client-side in-the-browser Python calculations without any special software installation! We use the Thebe-Lite software and wrote a custom extension to enable it easily in any TeachBook with just a few lines of code.

Github deploy
book workflow

Publish your TeachBook online on GitHub pages automatically. It creates a webpage for every (customizable) branch in your TeachBook repository, allows for aliases and use of the draft-publish workflow. Furthermore, it gives you a nice summary of the build errors and where the TeachBook is hosted.


Only share content with your students when they are ready, but still publish the updates on a website so the rest of your teaching team can review. This feature is essential for involving colleagues who don't want to edit the source code.

Share content
between books

Share content between TeachBooks using git submodules. This feature is very valuable and is used in other TeachBooks already! It's an elegant feature, but requires a bit more experience with Git.

Download link replacer

Replace or add custom download links to the standard download button in the top right corner of any page. Perfect when you don't want to bother students with book-formatting or unnecessary code.

What our Students say

Our TeachBooks

Our actively developed TeachBooks are listed here. Some are only available with a TU Delft login, or in draft form (not publicly accessible). Don't hesitate to contact us via mail , the TU Delft Open Interactive Textbooks Community or at GitHub Discussions if you would like more information about a particular book.

Modelling, Uncertainty, and Data Analysis for Engineers

MUDE is a module at the Civil Engineering and Geosciences faculty of Delft University of Technology: CEGM1000 Modelling, Uncertainty, and Data Analysis for Engineers, taken by all first year students in the MSc degree programs Applied Earth Sciences (AES), Environmental Engineering (EE) and Civil Engineering (CE).

Read the book

A manual on how to (start to) work and collaborate on your interactive textbook and explanation of existing and custom (interactive) features

Read the book or be inspired or contribute to the source code on GitLab
Collaborative Research for Biomedical Breakthroughs minor

This textbook was designed to guide supervisors, coaches, and students on following the journey we have developed for them in this minor. This textbook provides an overview of what we are including in lectures, workshops and topics, a little bit about why and some (hopefully) thought-provoking questions to inspire meaningful discussions.

Read the book or be inspired or contribute to the source code on GitLab if you're a TU Delft employee or student
DSAIE logo
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence for Engineers

Use this Jupyter Book as a way to structure your study, find important module information and to eventually recap information in preparation for the written exam.

Read the book or be inspired or contribute to the source code on GitLab if you're a TU Delft employee or student
Risk Reliability logo
Risk and Reliability for Engineers

Our first TeachBook published with TU Delft Open!
This TeachBook covers a wide range of topics that involve the use of probability to solve problems in engineering design and research. Although it is relevant for a wide range of disciplines, it draws heavily on the fields of civil engineering, environmental engineering and the geosciences.

Read the book or be inspired or contribute to the source code on GitLab
TU Delft
Finite Elements in Civil Engineering and Geosciences

This is an open interactive TeachBook on Finite Elements with applications in Civil Engineering and Geosciences. The TeachBook has specifically been designed having in mind a target audience of students at a Master level, particularly for the Master in Civil Engineering in the Civil Engineering and Geosciences faculty at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft).

Read the book or be inspired or contribute to the source code on GitLab if you're a TU Delft employee or student
TU Delft
Introduction to Machine Learning

This TeachBook contains the online lecture material for the Introduction to Machine Learning part of the EM course on machine learning.

Read the book
TU Delft
Showing Physics

This TeachBook presents a selection of the 99 ‘best’, most beautiful physics demonstrations from the Dutch book series “ShowdeFysica” Frederik et al. [2023], Frederik et al. [2015], Frederik et al. [2017] as published by the Dutch Society of Science Teachers.

Read the book or be inspired or contribute to the source code on GitHub
TU Delft
Hydrology Opentextbook

Hydrology is the study of the origin, occurrence, and behavior of water in all its forms on and beneath the Earth’s surface.

Read the book or be inspired or contribute to the source code on GitLab if you're a TU Delft employee or student
Structural Mechanics 4
Structural Mechanics 4

This book hows the interactive content for the TU Delft course CTB3330 Structural Mechanics 4.

Read the book or be inspired or contribute to the source code on GitHub
Matrix method for statics
Matrix method for statics

This TeachBook includes some content for the part on Matrix method for statics in CIEM5000 Base: Structural Engineering.

Read the book or be inspired or contribute to the source code on GitHub

This TeachBook contains the preparations for the practical sessions in CME4501 Engineering Systems Optimization.

Read the book or be inspired or contribute to the source code on GitHub
TU Delft

Rivers are Wonderful! Work in progess for the River Engineering MSc Track, who just got started with a TeachBook in February.

Read the book
Learn Python
Python for Engineers

A self-paced online course, designed to improve Python skills as well as the understanding of computer programming—especially for applications in engineering and the applied geosciences.

Read the book or be inspired or contribute to the source code on GitHub
TU Delft
Quick Reference

Structural Engineering educators and students make extensive use of a self-produced reference books that contain drawing instructions, design tables, material properties, equations, examples of structural elements, examples of calculations for dimensionsing of structural elements and good design examples.

Read the book or be inspired or contribute to the source code on GitHub
TU Delft
Quick Reference

Structural Engineering educators and students make extensive use of a self-produced reference books that contain drawing instructions, design tables, material properties, equations, examples of structural elements, examples of calculations for dimensionsing of structural elements and good design examples.

Read the book or be inspired or contribute to the source code on GitHub
TU Delft
Extension to Macaulay’s method @ TU Delft

This TeachBook shows the extensions made to Macaulay’s method at Delft University of Technology, Civil Engineering by various students.

Read the book or be inspired or contribute to the source code on GitHub
TU Delft
Hydraulic Offshore Structures

This TeachBook contains the online lecture material for the Hydraulic Offshore Structures course.

Read the book or be inspired or contribute to the source code on GitHub
TU Delft
SymPy mechanics book

SymPy example files for symbolic calculations for mechanics

Read the book or be inspired or contribute to the source code on GitHub
TU Delft
Exploratory Computing with Python

This book is based almost entirely on material from the online resource Exploratory computing with Python by Mark Bakker.

Read the book or be inspired or contribute to the source code on GitHub
TU Delft
Bridging course Structural Mechanics

This TeachBook contains the course schedule and material for the bridging course Structural Mechanics at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences at Delft University of Technology.

Read the book or be inspired or contribute to the source code on GitHub
TU Delft
Mechanics BSc TU Delft

This TeachBook combines all content for mechanics in the bachelor of Civil Engineering at Delft University of Technology.

Read the book or be inspired or contribute to the source code on GitHub
TU Delft
Linear Algebra

This book is suited for a standard linear algebra course for engineering students at a bachelor level. Except for some basic algebra skills generally taught in secondary education, no prior knowledge is expected.

Read the book or be inspired or contribute to the source code on GitLab
TU Delft
Calculus handouts

This is a collection of handouts used during some Calculus for Engineers courses of the Delft University of Technology.

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TU Delft
Practical Differential Equations

This webpage presents some code for the Practical Differential Equations

Read the book
TU Delft
Formulate sheets Mathematics

This is a collection of formula sheets and other help pages that may be allowed to be used in exams of some Mathematics courses of the Delft University of Technology.

Read the book
TU Delft
System Engineering Design

This book is about a novel preference-based design methodology. It allows for group design decision making on engineering design problems. With the use of this methodology, it is possible to find engineering design solutions that have the highest overall group preference and are also feasible.

Read the book
TU Delft
Linear Algebra

This book is suited for a standard linear algebra course for engineering students at a bachelor level. Except for some basic algebra skills generally taught in secondary education, no prior knowledge is expected.

Read the book or be inspired or contribute to the source code on GitHub
TU Delft
Interdisciplinary Mechanics Book

This book is for the Interdisciplinary Mechanics Module CIEM0000, Unit 2 at Civil Engineering and Geosciences, TU Delft.

Read the book or be inspired or contribute to the source code on GitHub

Our Team

Tom van Woudenberg
Tom van Woudenberg

Lecturer Civil Engineering and Geosciences

Robert Lanzafame
Robert Lanzafame

Lecturer Civil Engineering and Geosciences

Freek Pols
Freek Pols

Assistant-professor in Science & Engineering Education

Student Army

Students from Civil Engineering and Geosciences and Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science


logo TeachBooks: Teachers’ Educational Assistance for interaCtive Hands-on Browser-based Online Open Knowledge for Students

Built with Jupyter book